Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Draft minutes of May meeting available for review

Minutes of the May Board of Directors meeting are now available for review. Please contact me if you spot any errors or omissions so that corrections can be made before the next meeting.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Clinics Update

Clinics Update:  The final coaches clinic location has been changed to accommodate the anticipated clubs (50) who will need to attend the clinic. 

The final Starter's Clinic will be held on Saturday, May 25th at Silverton in Cary. 

The last  Stroke and Turn clinic, June 3rd, location has been changed to the Stonebridge club house which is located on Emerywood Drive in Raleigh.

** We are in need of projectors for the coaches and stroke and turn clinics. If you have access to a projector please contact me.

2013 TSA Clinic Schedule (remainder)

May 25th (Saturday), 9:00 am at Silverton 
May 30th (Thursday) 7:00 pm at Jewish Community Center- NOTE LOCATION CHANGE
May 23rd (Thursday) 7:00 pm Lochmere Highlands 
May 23rd (Thursday) 7:00 pm Planter's Walk 
June 3rd (Monday) 7:00 pm Stonebridgeclubhouse on Emerywood Drive- NOTE LOCATION CHANGE

COACHES CLINICS are MANDATORY. Per the TSA rules at least one coach from each team must attend. The clinics committee would like to encourage all coaches to attend. Please communicate this to your coaches. In response to feedback we are doing a complete makeover for 2013 coaches clinic sessions. These clinics will be useful and informative for ALL coaches. 

STARTERS CLINICS are not mandatory but are essential to running a smooth, fast and efficient meet. Starters can find very helpful documents on the TSA web site; see: Starter Event FormStarter ScriptStarter Clinic Summary and Starter How-To's.

MEET MANAGEMENT: If you are new to TSA and want to learn more about how to run an efficient meet, plan on attending the meet management session that will be held Tuesday, May 21st at TAC immediately following the conclusion of the 7:00 TSA Board of Directors meeting. 

STROKE & TURN CLINICS: Attending a Stoke and Turn Clinic is required each year for anyone in your club who will be serving as a stroke and turn judge unless they obtain certification online (see below) or can claim exemption from TSA training because they are already certified as a Stroke and Turn Judge by USA Swimming, YMCA, NCHSAA or NCAA. Judges claiming this exemption must register with TSA each year by sending details of their external certification, along with their name and the name of their TSA team, to Please do NOT send email to that address if you attend a TSA clinic or use the online training method, as TSA will already have a record of your certification.

Alternative method of certifying Stroke & Turn

  • Course is offered completely online and may be taken at user’s convenience, including stopping at any point and resuming later, repeating sections, etc.
  • Certification takes about two hours to complete, including post-training exam
  • Training and exam both use video clips extensively
  • Exam grade of 80 percent or better is required to pass
  • User must pay $12.95 fee to take course; each team can decide on its own whether to reimburse judges who use this
  • Based on USA Swimming rules, so there are only a few minor differences from TSA:
    • Covers Individual Medley, which TSA does not use
    • Some sections about officials refer to the Head Judge and Meet Referee, posts which don’t exist separately in TSA (the two TSA Reps, acting jointly, are the only officials in charge of Stroke & Turn Judges at a TSA meet)
Note that this is an alternative option for certification and is not required!

OTHER INFO: The clinics committee would like to create a short video on how to run clerk of course. If you believe that your team does a great job at clerk of course and is willing to contribute to the video please contact me.

If there are any teams out there that are organizing clinics on their own and would like to open them up to other teams please contact me.

May TSA Reps Meeting

The TSA Board of Director meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday, May 21st, 7 p.m. at the Triangle Aquatic Center. Please review the agenda and last meeting's minutes. If you are planning to stay for the Meet Management Clinic (encouraged for all new TSA Reps), please review the rulebook prior to attending.

Friday, May 3, 2013

2013 TSA Championship Meet Posting #1

TSA Reps and Coaches,

You are receiving this email because you are listed as a team representative.  It contains a few IMPORTANT items that need your attention as you complete your team entries for this years’ meet.

1) Please email me, J.P. Lefever, with any questions you may have with your entry process.  START EARLY! The meet information should have most answers and the “How to Use TM” will help with the entries. (Both of these documents will be included in my next posting). Remember – SATURDAY TEAMS: EVENTS 101-166   &   SUNDAY TEAMS: EVENTS 201-266.

2)  The “Important Dates” file which lists deadlines for receiving information. Will be posted on the TAC website by the start of next week or can be found in an email I sent out 5 minutes ago.

3) The “Heat Sheet Ad/Sponsorship” form.  Please share with your team families and earn something back to your team. Will be posted on the TAC website by the start of next week or can be found in an email I sent out 5 minutes ago.

4) The “Meet Waiver” form that MUST BE filled out and signed for every swimmer you have entered in the meet and is due by July 12th.   
Please alphabetize these before turning in. Will be posted on the TAC website by the start of next week or can be found in an email I sent out 5 minutes ago.

5)  Please send an additional 3 email addresses that will be used to send all future information as soon as possible.  WHEN EMAILING, ALWAYS, PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TEAM IN THE SUBJECT LINE. We are counting on you to communicate the important information to your families as we give it to you.

6) Each team is asked to provide 2 timers (larger teams 2 timers per session) or clerk of course volunteers,  2 stroke & turn officials (1 per session) and each team will be able to have 2 “kid pushers” for the morning sessions with the 10 & Under swimmers.  Your team session assignment will be sent in the next “Info Email”

7) Each morning, the teams will meet in the parking lot and enter the pool together.  You may design a “Spirit Sign” or poster to display so swimmers can find your team and can be used on deck in your team area also.

That’s enough for now. Give yourself plenty of time to complete your entries.

JP Lefever

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Coaches' Clinic

Dear TSA Reps,

The Coaches' Clinic speakers would like to hear from the COACHES!  Please ask your coaches what questions and or topics they would like covered at the clinics. We are asking for the TSA Reps to have their coaches send their questions to Taylor Blanton. As an incentive for all of the coaches to attend a clinic, there will be door prizes awarded at the end of each of the coaches' clinics!

Please remember that the clinics are starting NEXT weekend, May 11th.  We begin with the "mega clinic" being held at TAC. Kindly refer to the clinics schedule for details.


Debra Ryan