Friday, October 24, 2014

Draft minutes of October meeting available for review

Minutes of the October Board of Directors meeting are now available for review. Please contact me if you spot any errors or omissions so that corrections can be made before the next meeting.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


(October 28th - December 9th, 2014)

This Fall, the Marlins of Raleigh (MOR) will host its annual Fall Swim League, a super-fun opportunity to learn competitive swimming skills over a 7-week period for swimmers between ages 6-11.

All participants must be able to swim 25 yards, unaided, prior to enrolling in this program. One "meet" will be held during the session among the participants.

Registration is $120 for all participants. You may pay with credit card or mail-in check/cash to Fall Swim League, 4904 Waters Edge Drive; Suite 295; Raleigh, NC 27606.
The Fall Swim League is being offered at two sites:
SITE ONE - St. Mary's School in Raleigh
(October 28th - December 9th, 2014)
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 6:30-7:15pm
SITE TWO -- Ravenscroft School in North Raleigh
(November 1st - December 14th, 2014)
Saturdays: 3-3:45pm
Sundays: 4-4:45pm

Participants will each receive a swim cap and a t-shirt.

Please visit our website or  go directly to the Fall Swim League registration pageThe Fall Swim League is a great way for all swimmers to maintain skills learned over the summer months and to pick up some new skills.

Questions can be directed to Coach Adam by email or by phone at 919-851-3000.