Wellsley Wave Swim Team
Head Coach Job Description
1. Communication
with Parent Coach Liaisons
Head Coach will report to the Parent Coach Liaisons
throughout the season, including for any personnel issues that may arise. Head Coach will bring all disputes both on an
internal coaching level and external parent level to the Parent Coach Liaisons. Liaisons will work directly with the coaches to
resolve all disputes in a timely and efficient manner. If the coach is not satisfied with the
resolution of the dispute, he/she may request to meet with the Swim Team
Head Coach reviews will be administered by the
Parent Coach Liaisons. Mid-season
reviews will include feedback from Assistant Coaches, Interns, and Swim Team
Committee. End-of-season reviews may
include feedback from parent survey.
Performance will be rewarded based on input from all levels.
2. TSA and Swim
Team Committee
Attend all mandatory TSA coaches' meetings (one
is expected).
Sign and comply with Coach's Code of Conduct
Contract, as required by TSA.
Attend season-opening Ice Cream Social and speak
briefly to parents and swimmers.
Attend a maximum of three Swim Team Committee
meetings to review season progress.
Attend Swim Team Banquet at close of season,
speak, and distribute trophies and awards.
3. Practices and
Afternoon/evening-only practices will be held
until Wake County traditional schools complete the year. Thereafter, both morning and evening sessions
will be scheduled. Saturday practices,
time trials, and stroke clinics will be scheduled for mornings only. You will be expected at all scheduled
practices for your assigned swimmers, as well as time trials, clinics, and swim
meets. One Head Coach is required at
each practice.
Schedule weekly practice coverage for all
morning and afternoon practices.
Scheduling will occur at the start of the season. Approve hours worked by all coaches.
Provide instruction and coaching services to
Wellsley Swim Team members assigned to you.
Create schedule to teach weekly stroke
progression and drills throughout the season.
This should include freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly
strokes. Post this schedule along with
any pertinent drills the children are working on to the Parent/Coach Board or
team website.
Perform coach's duties at one practice meet,
weekly dual meets (6 expected), Cary City Meet, and one other large meet if our
team chooses to participate. The entire
coaching staff is expected to stay for the duration of every meet.
Prepare weekly dual meet entries and weekend
meet entries for your assigned swimmers.
Assist in set-up for all home meets, including
arranging deck furniture, installing starting blocks, and setting up backstroke
flags and lane ropes. Ensure Assistant
Coaches and Interns are on a rotating schedule to help with meet set-up and
clean-up. Ensure Interns are responsible
for ribbon distribution at home meets.
Assist in set-up and removal of starting blocks,
lane ropes, and backstroke flags for each block of practices.
4. Social
Activities, Communication, and Attitude
Demonstrate a positive attitude for the benefit
of swimmers, parents, and the Committee.
Give swimmers specific feedback both during
practices and at meets, always in a positive and encouraging manner.
Manage Personal Best program for swimmers
assigned to you and the Assistant Coaches.
Recognition of personal improvement is a fundamental value of our
team. Swimmers' times will be posted at
the pool or accessible through email/website prior to noon Wednesday after a
Tuesday meet. Swimmers' times will be
posted at the pool or accessible through email/website prior to noon Monday
after any Saturday time trial. Coach
will also participate in training to enter swimmers' times into the TSTA and
Hytek registration/swimmer databases, and complete these entries after every
Create and maintain Parent/Coach Board located
at the pool. Update the board/site every
week so the parents can feel informed.
Include meet records and any other fun and motivational information
parents can use to encourage their child to do their best.
Work with the Social Committee to help execute
activities such as Terrific Tuesdays, Movie Nights, Cary City Meet, and Swim
Team Banquet. Work with the Swim Team
Committee as needed to contribute to website and team newsletter.
Promote team spirit through organizing cheers
and socializing with swimmers in all age groups.
5. Coaching Staff
Head Coaches will supervise all Assistant
Coaches and Interns.
Head Coaches will administer mid-season and
end-of-season reviews to all Assistant Coaches and Interns. Reviews will be based on feedback from Head
Coaches as well as peer coaches. Parent
Coach Liaisons will assist coaches with the written reviews and administration
of the reviews.
Work together with the entire staff at weekly
Wellsley Wave Coaches' Meetings to promote and encourage brainstorming of new
ideas and plan for the week ahead.
Encourage equality, respect, and communication among entire staff.
Help Assistant Coaches create and run at least
one practice, and help those who express an interest to learn how to use the
team software for meet line-ups and data entry.
Supervise coaching staff in taking attendance at all practices.
6. Required
Each Head Coach is required to have Red Cross
certification in Lifeguard Training.
Each Head Coach is required to have current
certifications in CPR and Community First Aid.
Copies of certifications for Head Coaches will
be required prior to first practice.
The Wellsley Wave Swim Team Hiring Committee is now
accepting applications for our coaching staff for the upcoming swim season, May
through July. To apply, please submit an application to Jason Tomberlin. It may
be hand delivered to 104 Kettlewell Ct. or e-mailed to jetomberlin@gmail.com
Your Name:
E-mail address:
Any additional email
address included on correspondence:
Phone number:
Age on May 31, 2016:
Rising Grade in
School/College (this upcoming Fall):
Will you be swimming
on the Wellsley swim team this summer?
State the parts of
the job in which you have the most interest:
Swimming Related
Experiences, number of years participation, etc:
State your other experiences
and qualifications for the job:
What is your
projected availability (i.e. approximate # hours per week, scheduled vacation,
other time/schedule conflicts in morning vs. afternoon that you currently know
List any
certifications you currently have (Lifeguard, CPR, First Aid etc)
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