Tuesday, June 5, 2018

An Easy Way to Earn $100+ for Your Neighborhood Swim Club

If you’re a swim parent, you understand things most people don’t: spending days at a meet to watch mere minutes of action; driving backandforthandbackandforthandbackandforth to the pool every week; that crisp, clean first breath of outside air when you’re heading to your car; and volunteering “for the good of the team.”

That last one…that’s where we (TAC Titans) have a problem that only a swim parent could understand—and help us solve. Because so many people are traveling this summer, we need more volunteers for two upcoming meets on June 15th-17th and August 2nd-5th, 2018, being held at TAC in Cary.

BUT we’re *not* asking for volunteers. No way. We know you do enough free labor for your own team. That’s why we’re PAYING $100 per every five volunteers (per meet) from your swim club if you can help us out by timing during these upcoming events.

The best part is, you can use that money for whatever you want. More spirit wear. More replacement goggles. A folding chair, but one that actually works. More sunscreen. Or, serving suggestion: put it toward your team banquet or coach’s gift.

To line your team pockets (and totally help us out), please contact us at servicecredit@tactitans.org.

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