Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Trophy and how to display?
Join Triangle Aquatics Torpedoes this Fall!

Registrations are now open at TAC for the Blue and White squads. Minimum age 6.
BLUE is for advanced swimmers who have developed some endurance and are either considering year-round clubs or want a low-key alternative.
Pre-requisites: Able to perfom 25 yards (1 length) of each of the four competitive strokes, swim continuous 50 yards Freestyle under 1:30, and tread water 2 minutes.
To learn more, click HERE.
WHITE is for swimmers who have a strong foundation of the strokes and will work on building endurance and stroke technique.
Pre-requisite: Able to perfom 25 yards (1 length) of Freestyle,Backstroke, and Breaststroke, and demonstrate butterfly. Tread water 1 minute.
To learn more, click HERE.
Practices are held at Triangle Aquatic Center, 275 Convention Dr, Cary, which is conveniently located off I-40 by Cary Towne Center.
Register online at the above links or at the front desk.
Questions? Call 459-4045
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Announcing the TSA Educational Grant Winners for 2009
I am pleased to announce that Bob Goudreau, Mike Kaufman and I conducted the random selection process last Thursday night (7/23) and selected the following 20 individuals as recipients of one of the $400 TSA Educational Grants for the 2009 swim season:
Charlie Holland - Apex
James Harrison Ashworth - Bentwinds
Scott Graham - Cary
Thomas Whitehead - Cary
Andreia Wehrle - Devereaux
Kirby Trundle - Greystone
Tommy Brader - Lake Park
Bill Wagner - MacGregor Downs
Katie Kelly - Manchester
Michelle Delellis - Oxxford Hunt
Jack Friesen - Planter's Walk
Whitney Sweesy - Prestonwood
Sam Toumey - Quail Hollow
Kristin White - Shepherd's Vineyard
Jackie Navarro - Stonebridge
Jeff Beale - Stonebridge
Matt Peterson - Wellsley
Teagan Miller - Wellsley
David Hurley - Wood Valley
John Isaac Jordan - Wood Valley
Congratulations to all the winners!
The executive board is in the process of completing the administrative activities relative to issuing the grant checks and all recipients can expect to see their checks within the next week.
Rick Rudd
TSA Secretary
Saturday, July 25, 2009
End of Season Notes
1) Please verify that your 2009 team size listed on your team’s page on the TSA web site is accurate, and correct it if it is not. The easiest way to check is to count the number of names on your printed roster from the final meet. To set this on your team page, log into and click on the “club” link, followed by the “Update your club’s information” link.
2) While you’re logged in and updating your club info, please also fill in the mascot field if it is blank. Having this information helps us greatly when ordering divisional champion trophies. Be sure to pluralize your mascot (e.g., “Killer Whales” instead of “Killer Whale”), unless your team is known collectively by a singular noun (e.g. “Carolina Courage”, “Orlando Magic”).
3) Also check for any other blank fields in the club info section and fill them in, especially phone number and address information for your pool.
4) Remember to remind your team’s rising high school seniors (not graduates) of the $1000 Pool Professionals Partnership Scholarship. Information is available online, and the application deadline is September 1st.
5) If you have any swimmers who may be interested in learning or playing water polo, please spread the word about water polo clinics about clinics at TAC offered by the Triangle Water Polo Club.
6) I’ll be sending out the postseason survey sometime next month. Please let me know about any specific questions that you would like to see on this year’s survey.
7) Remember that the two year terms of the President and Secretary are expiring at the end of this year. If you would like to stand for either of these posts in the on-line election this fall, please notify any current officer.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Upcoming Youth Water Polo Clinics
Triangle Aquatic Center and the Triangle Water Polo Club are hosting three Introduction to Water Polo clinics for youth 12+. Upon completion, qualified participants are eligible to join the Triangle Water Polo Club (ages 16+).
Time and Date: August 1, August 8 and August 15 12:00 PM—2:00 PM
Clinic 2—Basic Offensive/Defensive Strategies + 30 minute scrimmage
Cost: $10 per clinic or $25 for all three clinics. Participants can pay at the front desk or online at Proceeds go to lane rental and equipment costs. Please register at the front desk to receive the 3-clinic discount.
Age: 12 and up
Pre-requisites: Participants should be able to swim 50 continuous yards freestyle and should feel comfortable treading water
FAQs: Q: Do I need to attend all 3 clinics? A: No, however, each clinic will build on lessons of previous clinic.
Q: Is there a way to waive the entrance fee? A: If you have difficulty meeting the cost, please contact Rob Dickens at the email below.
Q: I am an adult, can I attend? A: Yes. Although this clinic is primarily designed for youth, adults are welcome to attend! This would be a great learning opportunity before getting involved in Triangle Water Polo Club (practices 1-2x).
Q: What other Water Polo opportunities are available? A: The Triangle Water Polo Club currently practices 1 to 2 nights per week at TAC. Qualified youth and adults are welcome to join this club. For younger children, we hope to grow a summer program. These clinics are your first step!
If you are interested in pre-enrolling in the Water Polo Clinics, please visit the TAC website For more information about the Triangle Water Polo Club please visit our website: If you have questions about the clinics or the water polo club, contact Rob Dickens at
Friday, July 17, 2009
Pool Management Companies
I am probably a bit off topic for most of you, but I am taking a shot at this anyways. In addition to being one of the TSA reps, I am on the Pool Committee for our subdivision. We are interested in, at least, talking to some other pool maintenance companies. The one we have is not horrible, but really likes to let us know that we are only one of seventy pools they service. I guess we are just not too high on the priority list. We currently have a salt water system which is spectacular and I definitely want to keep.
Do any of you know anything about your current pool management companies or can you put me in touch with the person who does??? I've been told that with pool servicing we can only hope to find "the best of the worst" and although that might be true, I hope that with the network we have going here we could actually change that :) The word of mouth and manpower certainly exists.
Thank you in advance for any help and information you are able to send my way.
Best Regards,
Wendy Cox
Hollands Crossing Sea Devil's